Aksa: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa <p>Aksa: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual contains a collection of articles published by LP2M STSRD VISI. Publication of Aksa: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual is done by two editions in each year (May and November). Each editions contains 6 articles. </p> LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Visi Indonesia (STSRD VISI) en-US Aksa: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual 2615-1111 Analisis Semiotika Iklan Tvc “Aku Ingin Pindah Ke Meikarta” http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/42 <p>Indonesian population density is not new problems. From new problem, show up another problem. It is used by various parties to provide a profitable solution whether from public or government. Lippo Grup saw its opportunity to build Mega City Meikarta. One promotion ad titled that have made by Lippo Group “Aku Ingin Pindah ke Meikarta’ have got many negative responses from the public. The purpose of this study was to find out the part that reaped controversy. This study uses the theory of semiotic analysis by Roland Barthes to reveal more details and comparative analysis to see the opposite scene. The result, the study found that the controversy in the form of innuendo by audience because the ad does not offer a sollution in real live and too imaginative. Prospective costumers will face the same problem from reality</p> Dwisanto Sayogo ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 319 330 Memaknai Ruang Dalam Fotografi Jalanan “Home Street Home” http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/41 <p>This study attempted to analyze and interpret about “space” trough photography, particularly a street photography. Public space is a place where people meet each other, interact, communicate, earn a living, do politics, and there are still many activities carried out in public space. How important public space for some people who depend on their lives in public space. In other word, human can live, without disturbing their privacy space. Home Street Home is a smallest piece of absorptive public space through photography. In this study, the writer also attempted to explain about how photography sees public space as a picture of human define the public space as their private space either. Public as a home is considered to be most comfortable and intimate place. Home is not a space that literally roofed, protect human from rain, shade, and comfort. But home is an intimate space, a place where human returns to get back their humanity, and become a privacy space.</p> sebastianus advent ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 311 318 Tinjauan Desain Kemasan Boxset Musik Sebagai Strategi Penjualan Rilisan Fisik Di Yogyakarta http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/39 <p>The Design of music album packaging in Indonesia especially Yogyakarta still fairly rare. In the midst of lethargy for physical release purchasing by music lovers. This paper would refers to: Kind of content(s) will be a visual image in the design of boxset packaging to be having a strong character. Above formulation has purpose to intend understanding ( the working role) or collaboration between graphic designers and musicians for releasing of boxset format music albums, also to identify the commodification of popular culture, making music boxset as part of the commodity of music collectors. The existence of music boxset should not be separated from the collaboration between graphic designers and musicians, because a music boxset will be in demand in the market if it is visually able to combine the collaboration to be able to invite consumer interest. Music album designers are also required to be able to innovate to the development of the media, so that music boxset can be accepted by music lovers and innovative music industry that is evolving in the digital domain.</p> arsita pinandita ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 297 310 Penerapan Blended Learning Dalam Mereduksi Penggunaan Kertas (Studi Kasus Mata Kuliah Bahasa Rupa Di STSRD VISI) http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/43 <p>Paper waste is the most produced waste in the field of education. No exception with the visual language courses held at STSRD VISI. In one semester, the visual language course requires a lot of paper use, where the paper is only used once. From these problems, visual language courses then apply the blended learning model whose method combines face-to-face and online methods using Google Classroom to deliver material and assignments. The results of implementing this blended learning model significantly reduce the number of paper used in visual language courses.</p> Donna Carollina ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 270 279 Perancangan Film Dokumenter Kebudayaan Suku Sasak Desa Bayan http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/38 <p>Television shows are currently dominated by programs such as reality shows, infotainment, etc. This situation inspiring Kompas TV to give different shows. Information and education are the main things that want to be presented to viewers. Through the “Explore Indonesia – Sasak Tribe” program, viewers are invited to know more closely and clearly about the cultures in various parts of Indonesia. “Explore Indonesia” is a documentary genre show. Documentary video is the most appropriate media to display a cultural reality and visual and audio. The Sasak tribe is one of the interesting cultures in Indonesia. Traditional houses, arts, and the daily lives of the unique Sasak people make this tribe a tourist attraction on the island of Lombok.</p> yudha delonix ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 280 296 Perancangan Maskot Sebagai Strategi Brand Activation Klub Sepakbola Psim Jogja http://jurnalaksa.stsrdvisi.ac.id/index.php/aksa/article/view/37 <p>Yogyakarta, a town still exist will including its culture and tradition, have a football team local named PSIM Jogja. Identity PSIM Jogja attaching with blue and white, and Tugu Jogja to represent the club it comes from the town of Jogja. This can be seen through logo. PSIM Jogja have the logo club, classic it is meaningful. Historically the club PSIM cannot be separated by means of Keraton Jogja. But, to nickname attaching in PSIM Jogja itself is not the point where the brand image. Several media often mentioned differently. This has touched frequently make a question ask mind forces loyal to PSIM Jogja. Of a question that need of the effort to create and strengthened image PSIM Jogja through a strategy of branding called brand activation. See this difficulty researchers consider mascot design as part of its brand activation done to realize vision and the mission of PSIM Jogja as a football club “Warisane Simbah”, this business also to care for existence PSIM Jogja in various football Indonesia and close the club with audience.</p> ditya rizkizha ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2019-05-31 2019-05-31 2 2 260 269